
Kids these days…

So, my son was telling his mom (my wife) about this poem.  It was something simple and I didn’t hear it all, but when you read the first word of every line it had a hidden message.  Reminded me of something I found a while back and thought I’d share it.  The poem goes like this

When you and I our love does part
May it sink deep in both hearts.
I to some distant land may roam
Sleep my last sleep as some have done.
All this and more I have to say
Night comes and I am called away
With alternation view each line
You may in this a question find.
Written by Miss Fannie McKnight

So, do you see the message?  Here, look at it again.

When you and I our love does part
May it sink deep in both hearts.
I to some distant land may roam
Sleep my last sleep as some have done.
All this and more I have to say
Night comes and I am called away
With alternation view each line
You may in this a question find.
Written by Miss Fannie McKnight

Amazing really when you consider this is located in the front of a text book used in a class room.  It was written in a lovely flowing script.  The textbook?  It is “School Reading by Grades: Baldwin’s Readers Sixth and Seventh Years Combined” published in 1897 by “American Book Company”.  The names in the front of the book indicate that it at one point belonged to my grandfather while he was in school.

What I really find fascinating about this is it may validate my view that every generation looks at the generation coming after it and says with a sigh, “Kids these days!  What is this world coming to?”  Or something very similar in nature.  I look at my boy and I don’t understand why he does some of the things he does or why he wants to dress the way he does.  Thing is, I’m pretty certain my Dad had the same thoughts about me.  I might have to ask him some day, but I’m pretty certain I know the answer.

I’m not going to turn this into a soap box or anything, just thought it was interesting and wanted to share.  It reminds me of a quote I saw the other day.  It was something along the lines of “Nothing quite as amusing as a teenager who thinks he’s discovered something new”.  Or as King James would put it, “The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.” (Ecclesiates 1:9).

So, just hang onto those old clothes… they’ll be back in style someday.

By Mark

I work in IT and ride Motorcycles. I do one to support the other.