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Latest hobby

Hard to believe it’s been two years since I’ve posted anything.  Not that there hasn’t been things going on… So once again, I come back to this and avow that I will do more, post more, cover more, and 3 years from now, I’ll post again.  For now though, my latest hobby.

I’ve always had an interest in photography, that interest was only spiked by the appearance of a pileated woodpecker. Now I’ve had other cameras, an old box camera that ended up disabled because I wanted to see how it worked, a 110 that survived a high school trip to Mexico, a 35mm point and shoot that saw many family outings, a Canon AE-1 that I purchased for a college photography class, a Canon Rebel T6 that I purchased for for my wife to use in her jewelry business, and most recently a Nikon D5500.  Wow, things have changed!

So why a Nikon D5500 when I already have a Canon Rebel T6?  Well, if I work hard enough, I can justify anything, but at least part of the justification is “I can”.  After buying the Canon Rebel, I signed my wife and I up for a photography class, and it only makes sense that we should each have a camera right?  Well, that and for a week solid I would see a pair of Pileated Woodpeckers every morning when leaving for work.  I was already considering the purchase of a Nikon, mainly to do a side by side comparison to the Canon and for the class of course…  I had been waiting for a week, had compared the different models that were in my price range and just waiting to finally make a purchase.  So, I finally did the deed, made the click, bought the camera… and I haven’t seen the damn birds since!

As a consolation prize, I present you with pictures of a Carolina Wren that decided to take up nesting in my grill.

By Mark

I work in IT and ride Motorcycles. I do one to support the other.