
Highway Civility

Every year it occurs to me that there should be some basic instruction to drivers on the road, some enlightenment about courtesy and respect for your fellow travelers.  Specifically when it comes to dealing with motorcycle riders.

Yeah, I know there are some “bikers” out there that are unsafe and ride in such a manner that infuriates “cagers”.  But, for the most part, we are all out there just trying to enjoy the ride and be wary of those four wheeled hunks of metal that can ruin our day while only leaving a dent on their bumper.

I know everyone has seen this scenario.  You see the sign that says “left lane closed ahead” and it seems without fail there is that ONE GUY that feels he has to pass just one more vehicle before squeezing into the right lane.  While this is annoying in a car, it’s doubly annoying on a motorcycle, particularly if you are traveling in a group, while out of state, and you don’t know the route because you’re following your father in law and you have no idea where he might turn next… but I digress.

Basically, don’t be THAT GUY.  When you see a group of motorcycles, try to consider them as one entity.  There’s a really good chance if you see two or more motorcycles riding together, it’s because they are RIDING TOGETHER.  They are traveling to the same destination, most likely know each other (for that matter, they might be husband and wife), and enjoy riding their motorcycles as a form of transportation or just pure enjoyment.  So when you in your four wheeled cage of steel and safety attempt to “squeeze by” one more motorcycle and pull into the “middle of the pack” you are, in essence, trying to put your car in between the front seat and rear seats of a “traditional” car, or between the second and third seats of a van, or.. well, you get the idea.  And ultimately, what does it get you?  Do you get to your destination any faster?  NO, because the guy in front of you is now trying to keep track of the people behind you (most likely slowing down as a result), the people behind you are trying to see around you to make sure they don’t miss a signal/turn.  It really benefits you nothing, except maybe for some bad karma being sent your way by everyone on the motorcycles.  And really, no one NEEDS bad karma.


By Mark

I work in IT and ride Motorcycles. I do one to support the other.