Interests Professional

Things that make you go “uh?”

Just got an email, you know, that thing where people send notes/memos electronically instead of writing it on a piece of paper.  It helps save the rain forest and trees and little bunnies from extinction.  No, really, I am all for saving the planet and helping conserve resources.   I have my own little piece of heaven where I do my best to let nature evolve at it’s own pace…. that is until the wife starts nagging me too much about mowing the yard.  But that’s another story all together.



I was trying to do some work with a web site and certificates and found this site.  Now, if you’re like me, I don’t do this sort of thing often enough to remember all the commands, so this website is a true blessing.  Another thing I picked up from another web site a while back (sorry, don’t remember the site) is a script to create a certificate request. 

Interests Professional


*warning, some language and ideas posed here may be offensive to some.  You’ve been warned.

So, I took a diversity survey for work. I’m going to preface this whole thing with a simple statement. Diversity is good, without diversity everyone would be like me. I know, I know, you’re thinking that would be fantastic, a Utopian world! But please keep in mind, it would also be a very boring world. After all, who would I make fun of?

The questions for this “diversity” survey seemed like they were pulled from a very generic set of questions. So I will present some of them here to you. The options for just about every question were something along the lines of:

  • To a great extent
  • To some extent
  • To a small extent
  • Not at all
  • Do not know

For the sake of brevity, I will not include the options after each question (unless the options vary greatly from the default listed above), just my own thoughts, which I know is what you all really want anyhow.